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Teachers' notes
- Company A
- Welcoming the soldiers home to the marae
- Who encouraged men to go to war? Why?
- How did men enlist, and what were they like when they returned?
- Adapting tikanga
- Traditional rituals – te tohi o ngā karaka whati
- Matene Waetford – marching through Kaikohe
- Matene Waetford – an example of inequality
- Rendition of haka Ka Eke i te Wiwī
- The derivation of the haka Ka Eke i te Wiwī
- The role of women in the traditional use of the haka Ka Eke i te Wiwī
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Other videos
- Images
- Company A
Mō tēnei paetukutuku